Unfinished Projects - Chrystia's Jacket

The Story & Significance

This unfinished embroidery was started by Chrystia's maternal Babucia, Anna Konichkowska. With the needle still with the embroidery, and two loose threads, I looked to replicate elements from the left side onto the right side.

There are many important aspects designed into the composition.

  1. Both sides remain unfinished. In an effort to reflect the nature of the left side, I chose to keep the right side unfinished. Additionally, the denim used on the right was thrifted and partially cut - perhaps someone else's unfinished project or extra from a sewing project.
  2. All of the patterns on the right side are found on the left side. Due to the different scale, the patterns are some of the smaller ones found on the left. This creates cohesion but also differences between the halves.
  3. All of the embroidery was done with Anna's needle. Any hand embroidery found on the right side is done with Anna's original needle. The needle is worked into the jacket and can be found attached to my discrete signature.
  4. Anna's name is embroidered with her original thread. Anna's name is written in the blue she finished off on. The trail of thread is tacked with a red thread found on the back of the embroidery.
  5. All pattern pieces on the right are made from scrap fabric. The vestment fabric is from fabric swatches from the nuns, the embroidery is off cuts from various jackets done previously.

The Process

In the first iteration, I attempted to replicate the pattern to the same scale as the left side. This proved to be painstaking and did not exude the level of quality I like.

Then I came up with the idea to tie the piece to a grid, pulling out elements from the left side but at a different scale. My goal was to create the same impact through colour and form by replicating smaller patterns within the embroidery on the left side.

Final Product